International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
For a country like Chile, the adoption of IFRS is an important step in the process of adhering to international standards and good practices in general. These accounting standards facilitate comparison across global issuers, as they provide a common language basis, a fact that is widely recognized in the countries that have already adopted IFRS. In addition, they improve and increase information available to investors, including more elements related to economic and financial behavior and risk assessment of the firms. In theory, all this should increase market efficiency and reduce capital cost.
We work in your needs with the appropriate approach, we can help you understand how the changes in the standards affect your financial statements and assist you in making the complex accounting policy decisions required and our work is carried out directly with departments and sectors involved. Following the development of the new proceedings – is it treated directly with the professionals involved to provide incentives to criticism aware of the work being done, we provide operational and subject matter expertise within Finance & Accounting, IT, Treasury & Tax, HR, and all other functional areas affected by IFRS. Assisting in the development of future state financials to understand the impact of IFRS on the financial statements.
Our Services:

IFRS Convergence.

Consulting and Support.

Training & Insights.